Saint Seiya Saint Cosmo Memoir Phoenix Ikki

SKU: 17033 Category:

Phoenix Ikki is a character from the popular series, Saint Seiya. Initially was shown as the first antagonist from the series but later becomes a power ally to Seiya and the other Saints. Bearing the Phoenix Cloth that represents the constellation of the Phoenix, Ikki’s foes find it very difficult to keep Ikki down. Like the Phoenix, he will rise again.

Saint Seiya Saint Cosmo Memoir Phoenix Ikki

SKU: 17033 Category:

Phoenix Ikki is a character from the popular series, Saint Seiya. Initially was shown as the first antagonist from the series but later becomes a power ally to Seiya and the other Saints. Bearing the Phoenix Cloth that represents the constellation of the Phoenix, Ikki’s foes find it very difficult to keep Ikki down. Like the Phoenix, he will rise again.

Additional information

SKU 17033
Dimensions 2.8 × 7.7 × 6.7 in
Pre-Order No
License Saint Seiya
Released Date 1/31/2021
Package Type Closed Box
Product Height 6.3"
UPC 4983164-17033-7
Case Pack 36 pcs