My Hero Academia - The Amazing Heroes - Vol.12

SKU: 17425 Category:

Haws is the current No. 2 Pro Hero in the My Hero Academia anime series. Noticeable for his red wings, Keigo’s quirk allows him to control the movement and nature of each feather from his wings telekinetically. Utilizing his special power and his high intelligence makes him a powerful protector of all, and a formidable foe to villians.

My Hero Academia - The Amazing Heroes - Vol.12

SKU: 17425 Category:

Haws is the current No. 2 Pro Hero in the My Hero Academia anime series. Noticeable for his red wings, Keigo’s quirk allows him to control the movement and nature of each feather from his wings telekinetically. Utilizing his special power and his high intelligence makes him a powerful protector of all, and a formidable foe to villians.

Additional information

SKU 17425
Dimensions 4.7 × 3.5 × 7.1 in
Pre-Order No
License My Hero Academia
Released Date 5/31/2021
Package Type Closed Box
Product Height 6.3"
UPC 4983164-17425-0
Case Pack 36 pcs